August 19, 2021 @ 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Who will be named the next SMSDC MBE “Idol”?
Participate on August 19th to listen in, cheer on and support your fellow MBEs competing for the 2021 MBE “Idol”. The virtual event is open to all Certified MBEs, Corporate Members and community partners!
Be a part of SMSDC’s 2021 MBE “Idol”!
Meet your SMSDC’s 2021 MBE Idol Final Contestants!
Judges for the MBE Idol Finals will include senior level executives from corporations. The 2021 MBE Idol of the Year WINNER will be virtually meeting with a senior level executive from within NMSDC’s National & SMSDC’s Local Corporate Members of their choice!
As part of our 4 pillars, this is a great way to CONNECT our MBEs with potential opportunities in all industries. MBE Idol participants understand they are not being offered a contract at the end of the competition. They are offered the opportunity to virtually meet one-on-one with a senior level executive from within NMSDC’s National & SMSDC’s Local Corporate Members.
The winner will also be featured along with their company in the SMSDC’s monthly e-newsletter, various articles, and participate in additional speaking opportunities in 2022.
Good luck to the MBE “Idol” Finalists:
Kara Elyse Henderson
Founder & Creative Director
Mindful Media
Phil Walker
Managing Partner
Career Partners International
Spiros Arnakis
Director of Global Markets -East